Learning Technologies

The ICTAR Learning Technologies research theme provides a setting for the sharing of the latest theories, applications, and services related to planning, developing, managing, using, and evaluating information technologies in academic and vocational education, multimedia learning, as well as other innovative educational technologies like intelligent systems, AR and VR.

The aims of the research theme are to:

  1. Develop eLearning strategies and systems.
  2. Explore new uses of technology in education.
  3. Conduct case studies detailing examples of technology applications in higher education.
  4. In-depth analysis of the latest theories, applications and services in the field.

Proposed initiatives

  • Analysis of current eLearning initiatives in the context of the ICT institute/MCAST.
  • Learner profiling – Adaptation of sequencing material type depending on learner behaviour. 
  • Production of high-quality eLearning content to support lecturers. (which includes the application of UDL principles)

Research Profiles

Selected Publications & Dissertations 

  1. Cauchi, M. & Scerri, D., 2019. Enriching Tourist UX via a Location Based AR Treasure Hunt Game. In 2019 IEEE 9th International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Berlin (ICCE-Berlin) IEEE.Link 2
  2. Cassar, L.B. and Inguanez, F., 2018, September. ARC: Augmented Reality for Catering. In 2018 IEEE 8th International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Berlin (ICCE-Berlin) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
  3. Galea, L. & Scerri, D., 2019. Crime Scene Detective Training via Virtual Reality. (Dissertation)
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