Dr. Owen Sacco is currently a Senior Lecturer and Researcher at the Institute of Information and Communication Technology (IICT) at the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST), Malta. His research area of interest (amongst others) is in AI, Game Research, Semantic Web, Big Data, Information Extraction, Knowledge Representation & Reasoning, Text Mining and Data Mining. Prior to his current tenure at MCAST, he completed a Postdoctorate Research Fellowship at the Institute of Digital Games University of Malta working on a research project that automatically generates video game content from information extracted on the Web using Semantic Web technologies. His research was funded by the European Social Fund (ESF). Prior to his postdoc position, he had successfully defended his Ph.D. in Computer Science, which he read at the Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI) in Galway, Ireland, co-funded by the Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology (IRCSET). His research interests were focused on the Social Semantic Web field and he was a member of the Social Software Unit (USS) supervised by Prof John Breslin.
Research Interests
- Artificial Intelligence
- Knowledge Extraction
- Games Research
Selected Publications
- Sacco, O. and Montebello, M., LinksTo–A Web2. 0 System that Utilises Linked Data Principles to Link Related Resources Together. In EKAW 2010• Workshop W2 (p. 50).
- Sacco, O., 2010. Trust-aware privacy preferences for information sharing on the. Identity, 100(100), p.100.
- Sacco, O., Passant, A. and Decker, S., 2011, November. An access control framework for the web of data. In 2011IEEE 10th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (pp. 456-463). IEEE.
- Sacco, O. and Passant, A., 2011, October. A Privacy Preference Manager for the Social Semantic Web. In SPIM (pp. 42-53).
- Sacco, O. and Breslin, J.G., 2012, September. PPO & PPM 2.0: Extending the privacy preference framework to provide finer-grained access control for the web of data. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Semantic Systems (pp. 80-87).
- Sacco, O., Breslin, J.G. and Decker, S., 2013, July. Fine-grained trust assertions for privacy management in the social semantic web. In 2013 12th IEEE international conference on trust, security and privacy in computing and communications (pp. 218-225). IEEE.
- Sacco, O., Collina, M., Schiele, G., Corazza, G.E., Breslin, J.G. and Hauswirth, M., 2013, October. Fine-grained access control for RDF data on mobile devices. In International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (pp. 478-487). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
- Sacco, O. and Breslin, J.G., 2013, September. ” I Like”-Analysing Interactions within Social Networks to Assert the Trustworthiness of Users, Sources and Content. In 2013 International Conference on Social Computing (pp. 512-519). IEEE.
- Sacco, O. and Breslin, J.G., 2014. In users we trust: towards social user interactions based Trust Assertions for the Social Semantic Web. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 4(1), p.229.
- Sacco, O. and Breslin, J., 2015. Towards Privacy Aware Social Semantic Digital Libraries. ues for n the A nd Cit enness, p.160.
- Sacco, O. and Breslin, J.G., 2015. An Authorisation and Access Control Framework for Information Sharing on the Semantic Web. ICCGI 2015, p.35.
- Sacco, O., Liapis, A. and Yannakakis, G.N., 2017, September. Game character ontology (gco) a vocabulary for extracting and describing game character information from web content. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Semantic Systems (pp. 9-16).
- Sacco, O., Liapis, A. and Yannakakis, G.N., 2019. Extracting Semantic-Based Video Game Characters Information from Social Media Platforms. Mathematics and Computer Science, 4(1), p.24.
Contact details
Email: owen.sacco@mcast.edu.mt