Digital Ledgers, Cryptocurrencies and FinTech

This research theme is focused on the most important topics in both the academia and industry world, mainly due to the effects that this new technology could have. The adoption of this technology by FinTech companies constitutes the next step towards the expansion of blockchain and its sustainability.  Areas of interest are security, scalability, legal and regulatory, privacy or latency, with proposed solutions.

Research Profiles

Selected Publications & Dissertations 

  1. Curmi, A. and Inguanez, F., 2018, July. BlockChain based certificate verification platform. In International Conference on Business Information Systems (pp. 211-216). Springer, Cham.
  2. Mizzi, J. and Inguanez, F., 2018. Blockchain based E-Voting System. Journal of E-Technology Volume, 9(2), p.45.
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